Life of a Geeky Lesbian

Monday, April 8:

When I was younger, I didn't think there was anything to dislike about Mondays.

I have learned my lesson. :)

After waking up at an hour that felt far too early, thanks to Daylight Savings Time, I managed to get to work slightly early.

The company I work for just merged with another company (that had the offices next door to us, actually), and today was to be my first day working in one of their offices. All the web designers/coders are now in this big room.

So I walk in, early, like I said, and the guy who's moving into the room with me from the old office is there, and asks me how I am. I grumbled something like "To hell with Daylight Savings Time", and my boss, JT, is around to hear that. He's actually the President, with the CEO being his older brother.

I digress.

The network was down in our room, since so many people were being moved and all, so I don't know when it was sent (was the server time updated or not?), but there was a mail in my box from JT when I got logged in about an hour later.

It was a reply to a mail I'd sent him and my new supervisor, JR, detailing what I'd done on Friday, as both had shown some interest in knowing where I was at in that specific project I was given that day.

Only he hadn't meant to send it to me. JR wasn't in the to: or cc: fields, but this was the content of the mail:

"I assume [my name] will continue working on this. I think we need to monitor her progress and have a serious chat about her productivity."

I'm pissed. I've been there for eight weeks and the only real slowdowns after an initial week of getting used to things have been due to JT not planning things out properly, or not vetoing what the graphic designer does before he hands it to me to code.

The ironic thing is, I cc:ed JT on the progress mail as a courtesy. I wasn't required to send one, I didn't have to send one to either of them, and yet I do it as a freaking *courtesy*, and it causes questions about my productivity??

I had 50+ sites to go through and make changes on for this project, and JR even told me it was easily a day and a half to two day task. I finished half the sites on Friday, and it wasn't even all day Friday. I finished all I could do in a short day today (long story, but it was a short day for everyone, not just me), despite getting that early on in my day.

Any advice on how to deal with JT the Prick? I haven't said anything, but am thinking about talking to JR about it, like... "Uh, I *think* this was meant for you..." or something. I dunno.

Help. :)

the geeky one //


Monday, March 11:

Long time no update. My apologies -- the sweetie's been here. :)

When last we left our favourite Geeky Lesbian, she had a couple of stories to tell, about:

- L, the Suspected Lesbian
- JT, the Known Jerk at Work
- Possibly Having to Code Porn Sites

So let's start at the beginning.

L is not a Suspected Lesbian any longer. She is, without a doubt, a big ol' dyke. Not that I've talked to her about it, but she mentioned something about a "Rainbow Family Connection" thingy in conversation and she's still playing the pronoun game. Plus, really, you just have to look at her. I desperately hope I'm not as obvious as she, but I kinda doubt it. Oops. :)

As to JT, well, JT is still the arrogant prick he's been since I've gotten to know him. And I believe I am in what they call the doghouse for two reasons.

1) I screwed up on a newsletter sent out to, oh, 100,000 people by not replacing the dates in a certain section
2) He caught me in my favourite chatroom.

The first problem, not so big a deal. The second? Slightly moreso. See, it's my own chatroom right, so I explained to the guy that I've got to ensure it stays up for the other people and that I don't actually spend more than 5-10 minutes *chatting* except during lunch.

He seemed to accept that, but I'll probably keep the chatting to just during lunch and have the program sit in the system tray most of the rest of the day.

Work is tedious. Incredibly tedious. And boring. And I can't stand all the drug talk around me. You see, everyone in the office (well, my office, of which L isn't a part) smokes weed. ES, NH, TH and yes, JT too. I, on the other hand, prefer not to alter my perceptions or fry my brain or anything. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. I hate the taste of alcohol, cigarettes aren't just disgusting but carcinogenic and drugs? Well, I tried pot a few times and you know what? Was not worth what it did to my lungs. The high was pretty lame and the only reason I tried it more than a handful (but less than 10, I think. Probably around 7? 8?) of times was because my GF at the time loved the stuff. That's actually what led to our breakup, indirectly. Call it the root of all of our problems, and then the problems themselves caused the breakup. Of course, we caused the problems.

I digress.

The porn sites seem to be a non-issue for the moment. I'm hard at work at casino website templates and you know what? I hate them. I hate them with a passion. Do you know what I had to code today?

A popunder window.


Oh, it just eats away at my soul to have to code something like that.

There's this idiot who's not even in our city's office who is our server dude, basically. And he dabbles in ASP and such. Well, today I'm trying to get an ASP script for an image randomizer for the popunder window to work. And I mail the dude (SB) asking him why the scripts won't work on the server.

He writes back and asks me if I've used any of the ones he's written.

This is typical of SB, sadly.

a) He didn't answer my question, which it's his JOB to do;
b) No, I haven't tried any that he's written because I'm new;
c) Even if I weren't new, he didn't give me any URLs or any samples of his scripts.

So now JT's pissy at me again because he wanted this popunder thing to happen ASAP and it's all SB's fault. I'm not an ASP programmer. JT knew that when he hired me. But I've configured this stupid ASP script and it just. won't. work. and SB is being far less than helpful.

Mondays suck. Lots.

Oh, and I got banished to the lunchroom to eat (I normally eat at my desk, so I can catch up on mail, read blogs, chat and the like) because my lunch smelled so good that it distracted people. WTF. If you want me to eat a hot lunch in the lunchroom, just say so, but don't tell me it's because my lunch DISTRACTED you.

Augh. Men. I so need more estrogen in that office. And while I'm wishing, less men in general. :P

So. How's work for you, these days?

the geeky one //


Tuesday, February 26:

Oh. My. God.

JT is such a prick.

It's not even funny.

(Minor bit of backstory -- I do webdesign for a company that has a zillion casino websites. Well. I code. I'm the monkey. One of two. And I hate the content, but the job's kind of easy, if time consuming, and it pays the bills. On with our story.)

So the first thing he did today to piss me off was not show up to work until past one, because his car broke down. Then, he denied my request for two days off at the end of next week, because the GF is visiting. Of course, he thinks she's just my best friend. Which she is. But that's not all she is. But anyways.

So no, no two days off for Da Geeky One.

Which I can accept. I was an idiot for not mentioning it sooner.

But then he "closed a deal" with an adult-themed website, or group of websites, and you know what that means?

I'll tell you what that means.

It means that he struck a deal with some 21 year old punk (after he lied and told the punk he's 23 when he only turned 21 himself) so that the porn viewers can join the affiliate program he's got running. And you know what else it means?

That's right. It means that the casino viewers get access to PORN.

Our graphic designer, NH, said "does that mean I get to design with boobies??"

JT: "Yeah, man!!!"

My headphones had been around my neck throughout this, and then I dropped them on my keyboard and walked into the other room to get the key to the ladies' room. As I walked back to go out the door, I heard JT remarking how pissed I was.

Damn straight I was pissed!

There was nothing about coding porn sites in my interview.

(Contract, you ask? What contract? I haven't signed anything. And neither have NH or TH.)

So this is bull.

When the day comes that JT is stupid enough to tell me to code a porn site, I will refuse.

And if he tells me I have to, I will simply tell him to take his crappy job, shove it up his ass and grow up a little more before trying to play in the business world. This is not a job I wanted. It's a job I would leave in a heartbeat if I had another one lined up.

Still, I don't know that it'll come to that. TH, the other monkey, told me in confidence that he wouldn't code porn either. So both your coders refuse to code the site. What're you gonna do? Fire 'em both? And one a woman?

I don't think so.

Anyways. That's my rant. He pisses me off, and I just have to get it under control, you know?

Breathing is good.

the geeky one //


Thursday, February 21:

So the end of Week 3 at the new job is at hand. Since my boss, JT, was on vacation for seven of the work days, I'm only just now starting to get to know him, while I've already gelled with ES, TH and NH. And L. Kinda.

What have I discovered about JT?

He's a self-centered, arrogant, not-terribly-brilliant kid who is definitely on a power trip. He's short, too.

This is a prime example of why I do not date men.

He has these ideas, right, and he shoots them out there and tells T and I to make it happen.

And then he changes his mind.

Which is okay. He's the boss, right? His call.

But then he changes his mind on the changes, and it's not like they're the original ideas, either.

The guy needs to learn how to plan things out. And he's all about "changes". So what if we don't have the right text? "It's easy to change later on". Rather than taking 20 minutes to do it right then and keep us from redoing work later on, he has us do these things that are pretty much for nothing, because the changes he'll implement will take over what we've done.

And if he says "know what I mean?" one more time, I will have to keep the dyke in me very quiet, lest she SLUG him.

Apart from JT being an idiot, things are good.

I saw L yesterday. She's got two days off a week, but they're normally Tuesday and Wednesday. They changed the schedule this week so it was Tuesday and Thursday. I've discovered that I dislike her laugh, and she doesn't really follow hockey very much, although she was excited that the Canadian men would face Belarus and not Sweden, if they beat Finland (which they did).

I need to figure out a way to get to know her a bit better so I can find out for sure about her. I just want to know her story, because it's starting to drive me a little bit nuts.

I should have called this blog "curiousandgeekylesbian".

Anyways. I should get to bed. I'm kind of scared to sleep, though. I had a strange, strange dream about one of my exes last night, in which not only were we getting along (which is just scary), but she'd cut her hair so that it looked like
Justin's on Queer as Folk. Only light brown, not blonde. According to this dream dictionary, "hair is a valuable dream symbol. It represents physical and spiritual strength. Samson's hair was the source of his strength and virility.". Maybe the dream means that she no longer has power over me. Huh.

Or maybe it was just another one of my normal dreams -- the day's thoughts all mixed up together. Possibly, I was thinking about L's short hair and my ex and they got combined in my dream.

Anyways. Shout out to the sweetie who reads this. I love you, and I'll see you soon. :)
the geeky one //


Monday, February 18:

Greetings and salutations. I am the Geeky Lesbian. I'm very much closeted in real life, which is why this blog exists. I can't speak freely about various sexuality-related issues on my regular blog, so you folks get to read it here.

It's not that I even want to talk constantly about my sexual orientation, it's just the occasional desire. Tonight, the desire struck me.

I've had limited contact with actual, real-life, lesbians. I've had girlfriends and I even have one now, but I've met most of them through the Internet. I'm not someone who goes to bars or clubs, and I spent a lot of time working at home, so I didn't really have a chance to branch out, socially speaking. Besides, I'm one of those computer geeks who sits behind a screen all day.

So I started a new job, recently.

There's this girl, L, who works there in a different department. Well, a woman, really. She's got to be close to my age (24) or maybe a couple of years older. I'm really bad at telling a person's age. The instant I laid eyes on her...

... no, I didn't fall in love. Don't be silly.

... my gaydar went off with a vengeance.

She's so not my type, and we don't talk much, because we're in different departments, but Friday and today, she would look at me while we were talking, and she wouldn't look *away* when we were done speaking.

It kind of creeps me out, but at the same time, I want to get a better look at her, too, because I really do think she's a big ol' dyke. She's more of a tomboy than I am, for crying out loud. But I don't know if she's out. The day after Valentine's Day, she was asked how her night was, and she said it was good, that she and her roommate had had a nice dinner at a restaurant. And she played the pronoun game, by conveniently not mentioning a single one.

We shared a look today, and it was like a secret handshake thing. It felt like we'd both acknowledged that yeah, we're gay, but that we're not telling anyone about it.

It was a weird feeling, that's for sure. That happen to anyone else out there? Let me know.

the geeky one //


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A geeky lesbian feels the need to rant about life and work anonymously.

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